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Will there be Russian? Please say yes! Because top game and no Russian :(

I can't promise much but probably yes :3

I got this error when I try to load my save, every single saves it give me this error, even I tried to make a new game save file it still give this error

Damn! So sorry about this~ I'll fix right away~

is there a way to get the golem hand and show it to the goat tribsmen

Atualmente não consigo interagir com Rahim e cane  sempre tem esse erro na versão Android

Try using a new save! saves before v0.0.4 doesn't work on newer save anymore~

obrigado 😊😊

Deleted post

And I'd be hardcore cock fan then! and thank you so much :3

can someone tell me how to do the barrel puzzle?

(1 edit) (+1)


So I've been trying the barrel puzzle for 30 mins. I only managed to get one done. Maybe I'm just stupid. But can someone help me with this?

Did you figure it out?

Ahhhh~ I figured it might be a little hard~


Try aiming the bottom one first, and avoid hitting the edges until the placement is right

Yeah done the bottom part. But is there a way i could go down there or maybe pull the Barrel back?

(1 edit)

nope ;p they're just cosmetics


If your still stuck on it cause honestly it took me 2 days to find out. Get your barrels to this point.

If you just want the answer from the image push the bottom barrel right, push the top barrel down, then push the right barrel into the bottom switch then push the remaining barrel in the other switch



How can get 3 Skill System? can you help me pls ? thx

ahhhh? you'd learn some skill along the journey~

(1 edit)

how ? I can't get new of 3 skill (Alluring Lust) now,  I don't understand 

ahhhh if you can't get it, try going to the shop to update the skill thing~

in Sebas Shop can buy skills ? if not , where shop can buy skill ?

you just need to update the third skill if it is not in there after you completed the minotaur dungeon

will there be any guides for this game aside from the quest log(which is very buggy by the way, progress shows confusing sometimes because it shows different) I played and I say great work, but as always, as dumb as me keep messing up, dialogues of the story came out confusing because of randomize events/quests happening and I ended up doing what was suppose to be latest than basics... By that I mean literally I seem to did a quest that was like suppose to be far end of the game, and somehow a basic tutorial quest then came in.. again, I love the work you did in this, cute artwork and nice(although maybe imbalance) gameplay. 

by the way, android here, and loading saves gives you errors, luckily you can just ignore.. and also the map sometimes marks Items I've seen unseen (?)


Hey hey! Thank you so much for letting me know~ I'll try fixing the quest progress in the following patches~ I don't know if there'll be any guide at the moment, I'll try to guide you more in game though.

For the quest sequence, I might have not lined the quest sequence perfectly enough with prerequites so I'll try to fix that next patch :p

thank you so much.. I have high hopes for this! Totally looking out for your success

After breaking into the wolves dungeon and talking to the alpha about killing the cursed wolf, is there no more mission?


yep yep! that's the latest quest for v0.0.7 :3

help me I'm stuck in a wolf maze and there's a barrel but I don't know what to do 😭🙏

it's easy if you need call me and I'll help you


how can move 21 steps ? who can help me ? I don't know how to move 21 steps to the finish line 😭 help me pls , thx


you can  drop the minotaur statue on the pile of rubble and go to the other side to pick it up

I raised my agility and got more steps.


I can't find Canvas in the Damp cave😭, i loot everything, kill everything, check the bookshelf but i still can't find it

if you checked the bookshelf, the recipe should be there, you can go back to Rahim's place to craft it as long as you get enough materials.

I'm very sorry to bother you but i have checked the bookshelf but nothing but unreadable book and i already checked Rahim's place no blueprint for that

The second bookshelf on the right is block by stone

Sorry sorry~ it seems maybe there's a little bug that causes the recipe to not appear properly after a few visits to the cave. I'll fix that by next patch!

I want to ask how to save the Minotaur and finish the maze full of wolves can someone help me I'm quite dizzy playing it 😭😭😭

The minotaur is still stuck in the dungeon regardless~ and you need to make it pass the wolves to reach the other side

And how can i get through the maze full of wolves


while doing cane task there a bug that when i defeated landshark i was teleport to a dungeon and the game shut down on it own

hey hey! Try downloading the new patch, it seems that landsharks aren't supposed to be in the game yet~

Can anyone help me find the dungeon? Haven't check the game for a while. And it seems like I can't buy potions because of bug. Hope it gets fix soon, because it makes the fight a lot harder.

most of the dungeons are quest-related, so try to talk to people and finish their quests first :3


I would need help I am puzzled with the barrels in the den of the werewolves I can not pass it 

It really is a little more complicated. Some Hint: You need to finish the one below first. The squares that don't touch any walls are important so try to move the barrels around those squares before you slot them in the right place.

I tried your teqnique but I can't solve the puzzul

Hallu! I'm baaaack

Found bugs:

1) The legendary dummy nerf is here, maybe, for some reason he takes more damage now. Or at the very least more than shown in the text prompt.

2)It seems that you can't cast spells if you have exactly enough mana, e.g. you have exactly 30 MP - you can't cast self-heal

3) Fortify costs 20 MP despite tooltip saying 10 MP

4) Cane tallks about new ale before you actually get the quest for it

5) When completing Second Finest Lad and talking to Rahim about fixing the apron he asks for dye, patches, reeds, and cashmere but the recipe needs flax, not reed

6) If you do not have item from a location in the inventory it will not appear in the drop table on the map(like if you used up all cashmere from goatmen it won't appear until you get one again).

7) You can't do any damage(lust or hp) when fighting the guards during Suspicious Activity quest


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/battle04.rpy", line 370, in <module>

NameError: name 'dark_forest1' is not defined

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "battle04.rpyc", line 370, in script

  File "renpy/", line 928, in execute

    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,

  File "renpy/", line 2245, in py_exec_bytecode

    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)

  File "game/battle04.rpy", line 370, in <module>

NameError: name 'dark_forest1' is not defined



Outland Wanderer 0.0.7

Wed Oct  5 20:17:26 2022

(2 edits)

9) sleeping after 0:00 skips a day (for example: you start on Monday, not sleep till Tuesday 0:03, go to sleep and its Wednesday 7:00 not Thursday)

10) trying to open the agility chest in Forest Nightwatch triggers the fight even if you already defeated him, it also reappers after exiting the zone

11) if you stand in the path of a roaming werewolf you can alter its route.

12) if you escape in Forest Nightwatch the icons for inventory, map and journal become displaced

13) can't surrender in werewolf fights, pressing it just skips your turn

not sure if bug or not but there is a counter in dungeons that counts moving from tile to tile

Btw could you make a storage place for all the knick knacks we find on our journey pretty please? Selling everything to Sebas just is not comfortable and irks me

(1 edit)
This himbo really loves making axes huh(yes it is a new file, buying the third one crashes the game)

Damn damn~ That was a very very elaborate and detailed! Thank you so much!

For 1,2,4,5,7,9,10,12,13, they're fixed now~ Thank you so much again for helping me spot out the errors~

3) It's fixed now too, but you have to go to sebas' shop to update the variables

6) I wanna say it's intended but it's not, I was just kinda lazy... and adding a new variable in the inventory is gonna cause some big save-breaking stuff... I'll try that next patch without save breaking stuff...!

8) Damn~ I'm not sure if it's in the dark forest or in the dungeon? Hopefully I've fixed them but I'm not sure~

11) Yeye~ I'm aware with this~ with the current convoluted way I made them move, I think it's kinda dangerous for me to try anything else (Making the werewolf move cost me almost a week) so I'll keep it like this for the moment~

And I've removed the counter, it was for debug~... and I forgot about it...

And I think the inventory is now infinite with pages and stuff~ hopefully that fixes the problem... I don't mind adding storage too but it doesn't feel as good to store them and then forget about them until the end of world, or getting the same thing still clogging up the inventory 10 second later~

There is some kind a bug when i win/lose the Landshark in Summery Farmland i will teleport to Damp cave and stuck there if i don't use "back" button

Oh and can you tell me where to find Canvas I'm using 0.0.7

okok landshark shouldn't be there in v0.0.7~ I'm so sorry about that~ and you can craft canvas from the recipe in the damp cave

(1 edit)

I found a bug, I'm on android and every time I win against the shark I get an error and I can't get past it, and when I lose I'm somehow teleported to the cave where I fought golems and I can't move

sorry sorry~ landsharks aren't supposed to be here in v0.0.7~ I'll delete the encounter real quick~

Hey, i think there a bug on android when using skill and opening skill menu

Hey! I just wanna say that i am loving this so far! the art style is awesome, and I've found my self laughing quite a few times at the interactions between npc's. My only question is if you guys plan to add some sort of gallery feature? to view CG's we've unlocked in the past? 

Thank you so much haha!! Yeye It was really fun and I plan to add them in the future sooonish~

where Can i get The Barley 

its in the Summer Farmland.

And where is the Farmland?

it should appear after day 20~

I see it now, thanks

Hi have this Game for android and i want to ask how did i get a smoother controls in the minotaur maze because i only have 22 seconds to put the statue in place but with the controls it's impossible


i think i found a bug? if not its just me, when i tried launching the 0.0.7 update it gives me the error screen

hey hey~ so sorry! I uploaded the wrong version at the first few minutes of launch~ it should be fine now I hope~


Which quest is the Lothor quest to get goats so I can get cashmere? I'm very confused and have not had any quests for awhile after I did the training with Lot and Amble

you get cashmere by fighting with the goats in the ancient tree area~ I'll add a guide next update~

Myuuuum! Thank you!!

chinese have bug

hey i'm done with the golem task now but i dont know what to do next


how can i get cane sex cg


You need to drunk Sebas and work in tavern. 

How could the second finest lad do this to our boi Cane ;_; ? I will find him...if he can be found...


Well... Cane's heartbroken ;c



Hey ! Absolutely loving the game so far ! the artstyle is awesome and the overall story really makes me want to know more ! I was wondering though, is there any scenes involving the main npcs and or the tavern ? I was searching for those but not sure they exist yet haha

(1 edit)

Well~ there's an extra scene involving 2 npcs and not pc~ ;p but it triggers under very specific requirements

Say no more I'll search for it hehehe

Does anyone know a list of ways to lower Purity in case i want to see scenes that can only happen if that is low enough to do so?


Get defeated by the mimics


Currently there's no scenes that requires lower purity (but there will be in the future~)

Ok, Leon said the mimic enemy might be able to lower it by losing/surrendering to it, the reason i ask about this was because of the waiter scene might have something new added if that stat is low enough to do so, same for any other new ones that might arrive in the future, this game is great so far, so take your time with whatever updates your currently doing, like the repeatable takes one that might arrive someday for farming as an example.

Hey hey~ thank you so much! Yes you can lower your purity by losing to the mimics~ (Might be spoilery but in my plan, lower purity might change dialogues with other people, lead to bad ends, and could have something to do with the tavern~ (I think).

Also, next public Update will introduce repeatable tasks! :3

Deleted 2 years ago

Ahhh~ for now the goat tribe is pretty empty~ I'll be adding much more stuff in it in the future :p

Hey, loving the work so far! It's very nice to see someone who is responsive and open to criticism! I was wondering if the golem hand has any current use?


Currently you can use the golem hand as an extra option for the next quest.

but there's no other use for now :p

(1 edit) (+1)

Everytime I try to use my Ability some error appear and I can't use any item in the fights, I click on it but nothing happens, but besides this, I enjoyed a lot the game so far!

-Spoiler- the only thing I don't particularly enjoy, it's that every time we surrender we loose money, so if u play as a bottom you will be loosing money and when we win the battles we can only top, but that's just my taste lol


If you unequip and requip your abilities once, they should work.


I'm sorry, but could you explain to me how to do that, Im kind dumb with this things hahah

(1 edit)

Tis all good, in the journal there's a star tab on the right of the screen. If you click on that you'll see your abilities, you'll then want to click them all out and re-enter them into the 3 you can have at a time. If you still need help lemme know. 


Thank you for letting me know! I'll fix it by next patch~

Im on android and im currently having an issue where pressing the menu button has a 50/50 chance of instantly crashing my game. 


 It seems that occasionally other buttons crash it as well


Thank you for letting me know! I'll fix it by next patch~

So, this happened while trying to tap on ability while fighting. What i think is the initial cause is trying to flirt the slime. Now i unable to use any ability mid-fight. Lol. Karma i guess. This is public build btw. Thanks for reading this

You have to do the quest with embre and jog to unlock the ability

I dont think that's the problem, since i dont even yet meeting them when yhis problem occurs. Or is it really gonna do error message everytime if you decide to not meet them yet?


damn~ sorry for the bug! I'll fix them in the next patch (which is just in a few days)

thanks for looking into it,💕

How I get access to the werewolf's den

if you are on public build~ werewolves are not available yet~

if you are on patreon build~ try talking to Lothar after finishing most of the earlier quests with him

Okey Thank you

help me with the run minotaur statue i can only move 23 time but cannot reach the platform 

try interacting with the pebbles~

I tried but that didn't seem to tell me much, is there some sort of took we need to get to remove them?


welp you can put the statue on the pebble~ and take it... from different places~

*slaps forehead* That makes so much sense, for some reason I only thought of removing the obstacle.

where can i find strap material?

try defeating the buggbear from the outpost~

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